Skin ReNewal Masque


Bellenique Skin ReNewal Masque

Addresses uneven skin tone to promote a smoother, younger-looking visage with a healthy glow. 

Size 60ml

Made in USA

Target : Wrinkles and sagging skin

SKU: AV-BEL-QSRM Categories: , Tags: ,


What is it?

Bellenique Skin ReNewal Masque addresses uneven skin tone to promote a smoother, younger-looking visage with a healthy glow. The combination of natural ingredients glycolic, lactic, citric, and ascorbic acids stimulates cells to shed smoothly and rapidly. The absorbent and toning effects of Bentonite clay clarifies problem skin. Sea Kelp and Horsetail Extract provide softness and skin conditioning properties.

Skin feel so clear, soft and firm

What it does…

  • Stimulates cells to shed smoothly
  • Clarifies problem skin
  • Softens and conditions skin

Target : Wrinkles and sagging skin

All Skin Types

Size 60ml

Made in USA

Key ingredients





Sea Kelp

Aloe Vera Gel