oily face scrub Archives | AVLI https://avli.sg/product-tag/oily-face-scrub/ Avid Living Sun, 09 Apr 2023 15:28:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://i0.wp.com/avli.sg/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/AVLI-Logo.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 oily face scrub Archives | AVLI https://avli.sg/product-tag/oily-face-scrub/ 32 32 154042391 Enzyme Polish https://avli.sg/product/enzyme-polish/ Sun, 09 Apr 2023 15:28:38 +0000 https://avli.sg/?post_type=product&p=1025 Bellenique Enzyme Polish

The special Linked Papain enzyme incorporated in this formula exfoliates and digests dead skin cells that can clog pores.

Target: Oily, Acne prone skin

Size 60ml

Made in USA

The post Enzyme Polish appeared first on AVLI.

What is it?

Removes toxins Help eliminates bacteria Clear clog pores 

Refresh the delicate skin. The special Linked Papain enzyme incorporated in this formula exfoliates and digests dead skin cells that can clog pores. Essential oils in this creamy polish help eliminate bacteria and refresh the senses. The cleansing ingredients are extremely mild and used mainly in baby products. Sugar in this formula has an exfoliating function.

What it does…

  • Removes toxins
  • Help eliminates bacteria
  • Clear clog pores

Skin Type : Oily Skin

Target: Oily, Acne prone skin

Size 60ml

Made in USA

The post Enzyme Polish appeared first on AVLI.
