AVLI https://avli.sg/ Avid Living Mon, 01 May 2023 17:31:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://i0.wp.com/avli.sg/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/AVLI-Logo.png?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 AVLI https://avli.sg/ 32 32 154042391 5 on 5 keeping skin firm – Facial exercise https://avli.sg/5-on-5-keeping-skin-firm-facial-exercise/ Mon, 01 May 2023 17:21:19 +0000 https://avli.sg/?p=1239 Facial exercises These exercises targetted the muscles in the face and neck with the purpose of improving facial muscle tone, which could help to reduce the appearance of sagging skin and wrinkles. Like normal exercises, the facial exercises may also help to improve blood flow to the face, which could promote a more youthful and […]

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Facial exercises

These exercises targetted the muscles in the face and neck with the purpose of improving facial muscle tone, which could help to reduce the appearance of sagging skin and wrinkles. Like normal exercises, the facial exercises may also help to improve blood flow to the face, which could promote a more youthful and healthy appearance.

To get this effectiveness, it is important to get the right facial exercises and not overly do it as will strain the skin instead. 


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4 on 5 keeping skin firm https://avli.sg/4-on-5-keeping-skin-firm/ Mon, 01 May 2023 15:14:17 +0000 https://avli.sg/?p=1234 A Healthy Life  Stay hydrated and good physical, Keep yourself hydrated by drinking enough water not only your body needs but also keep  your skin hydrated, which can improve its elasticity and firmness Have adequate sleep, your body needs rest! This is essential for maintaining a healthy  body and skin. During sleep, your body repairs […]

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A Healthy Life 

Stay hydrated and good physical,

Keep yourself hydrated by drinking enough water not only your body needs but also keep 

your skin hydrated, which can improve its elasticity and firmness

Have adequate sleep, your body needs rest! This is essential for maintaining a healthy 

body and skin. During sleep, your body repairs and regenerates skin cells, helping to 

improve skin firmness.

A healthy diet in food with antioxidants, vitamins and other minerals can help to improve 

skin health and firmness. Foods like fatty fish, leafy greens and berries are good choices.

Have regular exercise helps to improve blood flow and circulation, which can promote

healthy skin and at the same time reduce stress, stress can contribute to skin aging over 



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3 on 5 keeping skin firm – Antioxidants https://avli.sg/3-on-5-keeping-skin-firm-antioxidants/ Sun, 30 Apr 2023 07:15:54 +0000 https://avli.sg/?p=1223 Antioxidants From health to skincare Health  We love them from consuming the foods, supplements everyday to help us reduced the risk of chronic diseases and support healthy immune system. Where is antioxidant found? The common and three major antioxidants we know of are Vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene. They can be found in fruits […]

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Antioxidants From health to skincare


We love them from consuming the foods, supplements everyday to help us reduced the risk of chronic diseases and support healthy immune system. Where is antioxidant found? The common and three major antioxidants we know of are Vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene. They can be found in fruits and vegetables especially those in purple, red, orange, blue and yellow.

We want the benefits of consuming food and supplements high in antioxidants for the benefit to our health, However, it’s important to maintain a balanced diet and lifestyle that includes regular exercise, good sleep and stress management.


The benefits of antioxidants for skin health includes

Anti-aging effect as antioxidants can help to protect against oxidative damage that can contribute to aging. Here are some ways antioxidants used in skincare products where we see the benefits for our skin.

Protect against environment damage: 

Antioxidants can help protect the skin from environment damages caused by pollutions, UV radiation and other external factors that can lead to premature aging and skin damage overtime.

Reduce inflammation in the skin like improve the appearance of redness, irritation, and other signs of inflammation.

Improving the skin tone and texture giving it a smoother and more even appearance.

Brightening the skin, vitamin C known for, can help to brighten the skin and reduce the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

Knowing the product

Antioxidants in skincare, are products that contain vitamin C, Vitamin E, green tea extract or resveratrol. These ingredients can be found in serums, moisturisers, and in skincare products. To use these products alway apply as directed by the manufacturer for the most benefit it!


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2 on 5 keeping skin firm – Sunscreen https://avli.sg/2-on-5-keeping-skin-firm-sunscreen/ Sat, 29 Apr 2023 07:20:16 +0000 https://avli.sg/?p=1220 Important of using sunscreen We use sunscreen to protect our skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s UV (ultraviolet ray). Long exposure of UV radiation can cause damage to the skin, resulting in sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer. It is recommended to apply sunscreen to all exposed skin before […]

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Important of using sunscreen

We use sunscreen to protect our skin from the harmful effects of the sun’s UV (ultraviolet ray). Long exposure of UV radiation can cause damage to the skin, resulting in sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer.

It is recommended to apply sunscreen to all exposed skin before going for outdoor and reapply every two hours or after activities like swimming, sweating, or towel-drying.

Besides applying sunscreen, sun protection measures such as seeking shade; wear hat, sunglasses, protective clothing, under an umbrella are good ways of protecting your skin from over sun exposure.

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5 on 5 keeping skin firm  https://avli.sg/5-on-5-keeping-skin-firm/ Fri, 28 Apr 2023 02:22:46 +0000 https://avli.sg/?p=1217 Moisturising The purpose of moisturising your skin  Moisturising plays an essential part of the skincare routine by helping to keep your skin healthy, hydrated, and looking its best! 

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The purpose of moisturising your skin 

  1. Hydration: keeping it! Loss of hydration over time can lead to dryness, flakiness, and tightness. Therefore moisturising helps to bring hydration into the skin by adding moisture and preventing water loss.
  2. Protection: How?  Moisturisers helps to protect your skin by forming a barrier on the surface of the skin. This will helps to protect the skin from environmental pollutants.
  3. Anti-aging: A well-moisturised skin will help to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of aging thus the moisturiser also help to improve skin elasticity and firmness.
  4. Consistency = improved complexion: By having regular moisturising can help to improve the overall appearance and texture of the skin, looks smoother, softer, and more radiant.
  5. 5Soothing: Some of us have sensitive skin. Getting the right moisturiser can helps to soothe and calm irritated skin. Ingredients such as aloe vera or chamomile helps to soothe the skin.

Moisturising plays an essential part of the skincare routine by helping to keep your skin healthy, hydrated, and looking its best! 

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Vitamin C Skincare Routine for day and night  https://avli.sg/vitamin-c-skincare-routine-for-day-and-night/ Thu, 13 Apr 2023 07:30:41 +0000 https://avli.sg/?p=1129 Routine skincare is important and should be simple as it serves the purpose to have a consistent that help to maintain and improve our skin health. In addition, using the appropriate products for the skin type is the key of resolving the concern and achieve optimal results. Check out the benefits of Vitamin C skincare […]

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Bellenique Vitamin C Skincare

Routine skincare is important and should be simple as it serves the purpose to have a consistent that help to maintain and improve our skin health. In addition, using the appropriate products for the skin type is the key of resolving the concern and achieve optimal results.

Check out the benefits of Vitamin C skincare and Vitamin C skincare products

Happy skincare!

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Brightening with Vitamin C Skincare  https://avli.sg/brightening-with-vitamin-c-skincare/ Thu, 13 Apr 2023 04:03:12 +0000 https://avli.sg/?p=1102 Brightening with Vitamin C Skincare Vitamin C Skincare a valuable ingredient for improve the skin health and appearance. How vitamin C in skincare can help with brightening the skin appearance?  What is the benefits of vitamin C in Skincare and why you choose vitamin C skincare? Vitamin C is known for potent antioxidant that able […]

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Brightening with Vitamin C Skincare

Vitamin C Skincare a valuable ingredient for improve the skin health and appearance.

How vitamin C in skincare can help with brightening the skin appearance? 

What is the benefits of vitamin C in Skincare and why you choose vitamin C skincare?

Vitamin C is known for potent antioxidant that able to offer a wide range of benefits for our skin. It can be used topically in skincare products to achieve brighten and even out skin tone, this resulted in improve on overall appearance of the skin. 

The Benefits of Vitamin C in Skincare include 

To brighten the skin by reducing the appearance of dark spots and hyperpigmentation.

Vitamin C can help to stimulate the production of collagen to maintaining the elasticity and the firmness of the skin.

Vitamin C is known for it’s protection against environmental damage, such as pollution and UV radiation. 

Giving the skin a youthful look! Vitamin C also know for it’s anti-aging property which helps to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 

Check out  our Skincare Routine with our speciality range Vitamin C Skincare 

Happy Skincare!

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Why we use primer? https://avli.sg/why-we-use-primer/ https://avli.sg/why-we-use-primer/#respond Wed, 05 Apr 2023 03:47:43 +0000 https://avli.sg/?p=879 Perfect Primer Knowing why you use it. Don’t think of primer is just a base to enhances and achieving flawless makeup application that lasts all day. Yes, you can skip primer, however, if you are using it, know the product and use it effectively.  The task of Primer : Create Flawless Look and Feel The […]

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Perfect Primer

Knowing why you use it.

Don’t think of primer is just a base to enhances and achieving flawless makeup application that lasts all day. Yes, you can skip primer, however, if you are using it, know the product and use it effectively. 

The task of Primer : Create Flawless Look and Feel

The Primer is to be a base for all of your makeup. The purpose of primer is to fill in any creases and pores in your skin so that your foundation will go on more smoothly. Yes! it helps smooth any fine lines, wrinkles and minimised large pores. 

For eyes, the skin around our eyes is very thin, as such this resulting in fine lines, veins and discolouration (dark circles) so priming your eyelids can create a smooth and even foundation to begin beautiful color. 

Can we wearing primer alone? oh yes if you want to have a smooth and even skin, you can take a break for your skin without all the heaviness of foundation, and simply apply primer. You will look fresh faced. 

Texture: An ultra lightweight, multitasking formula dedicated to improving skin tone and texture. Keep your makeup lasting all day

Blends effortless on to your skin, minimising the appearance of enlarged pores.

How can we apply face primer?

Using your fingers or brush are both fine. Most important is always take note of the hygiene, like clean hands and brushes. Ideally you can use a brush for priming smaller areas, like eyes or lips. Other areas consider apply in massaging motion with your fingers. This is gently massaging your primer in with your finger and will get the blood circulating in your face.

Happy Skincare 

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My Day & Night skincare chart https://avli.sg/my-day-night-skincare-chart/ https://avli.sg/my-day-night-skincare-chart/#respond Wed, 29 Jun 2022 07:11:34 +0000 https://avli.sg/?p=598 My Day & Night skincare chart Why is important to have one Skincare routine. Have a skincare routine, in long term this will help you to boost your skin at best and you can target on the area you want to work on. And only with the necessaries. The day and night has a different […]

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My Day & Night skincare chart

Basic Skincare is what you need

Why is important to have one Skincare routine.

Have a skincare routine, in long term this will help you to boost your skin at best and you can target on the area you want to work on. And only with the necessaries.

The day and night has a different purpose. The night is when you rest and your skin get absorbs of ingredients from the products while your body rest. So let the products do the work while you get the beauty sleep.

Day Skincare Steps

1. Cleanse – cleanse right! Hot, Sticky weather sends oil glands into overdrive -> clogged pores

2. Toner – Toners are not necessary, but they can be a great adjunct to skincare regimen for those that need help with oily skin or markedly plugged pores.

3. Serum (eyes & Face) Optional – Let the active ingredients penetrate deeply as possible into your skin.

4. Eye Cream – Is a targetted moisturiser for the eye area, that helps to hydrates and reduces the fine lines and wrinkles.

5. Spot treatment (optional) – Treatment for Acne, Blemish & Pimple.

6. Moisturiser – This step make sure your skin is getting enough good, healthy moisture.

7. Face Oil (Optional) – Deep Moisturiser and nourishment for dry/dull skin.

8. Sunblock – To protect the skin from UV rays from the sun and sun burn.

9. Primer (optional) – This is used as a base for foundation to allows it to go on smoother and last longer.

10. Makeup –  Look good, feel more confident and the right one lead to better skin tone and texture.

11. Enjoy your Day!

Night Skincare Steps


1. Remove makeup – To remove away cosmetics, impurities and dirt from the surface of your skin, prevent clog and acne-causing bacteria to your pores.

2. Cleanse -remove make-up, dead skin cells, dirt, oil and pollutant from skin. This helps to unclog pores and prevent skin conditions like acne.

3. Toner (optional) – Toners are most helpful and necessary for people with oily or acne-prone skin, or for people who want extra cleansing after wearing makeup or other heavy skin products such as sunscreen.

4. Serum (optional) – helps to penetrate deeper to deliver active ingredients into your skin for the purpose of targeting specific skincare concerns like wrinkles.

5. Eye Cream –  is a targetted moisturiser for the eye area, that helps to hydrates and reduces the fine lines and wrinkles.

6. Spot Treatment (optional) –  Treatment for Acne, Blemish & Pimple.

7. Moisturisers/Night Cream (eyes & face) – Make sure your skin is getting enough good, healthy moisture and vitamins.

8. Retinol (optional) – Target to stimulate collagen production, fading acne marks, discolouration and blemishes.

9. Beauty Sleep 7hrs – recharged your body! Better mood and better skin!

The night Skincare Routine the beauty tips for long term good skin it is important to know why do we need one and important to have one. 


Happy Skincare

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Importance of Hydration & Moisturization https://avli.sg/importance-of-hydration-moisturization/ https://avli.sg/importance-of-hydration-moisturization/#respond Tue, 28 Jun 2022 17:50:14 +0000 https://avli.sg/?p=581 understand the importance of hydrating and moisturising for your skin

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Hydration and Moisturizers

What we should know about it. 

The water.

Our basic Skincare needs, Water for effective Hydration and Moisturization.

Water plays an important part for our skin to stays healthy, smooth and radiant. A dull complexion will not go way with maximum highlighter or bright blush. That’s why skincare products promises to hydrate and moisturizes your skin.

What are hydration and moisturization? 

Are they the same? 

They are closely related, but not exactly the same as they have different functions in providing the needs to the skin.

Both have the target of making sure the skin is getting the needs to fight dryness, dehydration, premature signs of ageing and free radicals damages.

So what is your goal?

Which comes first? 

Hydration is referring to the water content with the cells that leads them to be plump and bouncy, as this will reflect the light well. If the water is lost, the cells are dehydrated which leads to lacklustre skin. Using hydrator means you are infusing the cells with water and improving your skin’s ability to absorb moisture and nutrients.

On the other hand the moisturiser’s job is all about trapping and sealing in moisture to build the skin’s protective barrier to prevent water loss, keeping the skin soft and smooth. 

A moisturiser came with a wide variety of option in formulation and ingredients.

Which one you need? 

A dry skin can be easily assume that a healthy dose of moisturiser is required to restore its plump appearance and youthful glow. However, if it appears dry but dehydrated, a hydrator is what you need. A dehydrated skin can be lacklustre with fine lines and wrinkles becoming more noticeable, this means the cells are parched and lack of water so the cells are not plump. 

As our skin condition and our living environmental is different, knowing your skin needs is important to keep you look great.


Looking good..

Drinking plenty of water is still the way to get your skin hydrated. Those with dehydrated skin might consider using a hydrator as it helps to binds and draws water into the cells. Consider product with natural humectants over in the ingredients and they help the skin to improve its ability to hydrate itself overtime. 

Hydrating ingredients are mostly appropriate for all skin types, as they are water soluble and they don’t clog pores. 

Moisturiser have different formulation and ingredients, they can be light or heavy depends on what is it formulated for, example skin types and seasons. So knowing your skin condition and what you need is important.

Type of skin in general

Acne prone skin needs a light, oil free moisturiser which work best for them. They are usually lotion which have more water content and less oil.

People who has combination skin, a lotion or cream can works for them.

The dry skin type consider a serum or more emollient cream for the skin.

How to for good results 

Both Hydrators and moisturiser should be applied in the morning before sunscreen and during the night after your cleansing.

You can also apply the moisturising lotion/cream after applying your hydrators so it doesn’t peel.

Add some happy sparks to your life and your skin will glow with radiant too.

Happy Skincare

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